Friday, March 23, 2012

Jon Hamm

Recently I’ve been on a kick of watching “Mad Men” starring Jon Hamm. I have to admit, when I started watching Mad Men, I really didn’t have any idea what it was about. I think I really started watching to because so many people love it, and I’m mildly obsessed with the sixties.

The show is ultimately based around Jon Hamm’s character, Don Draper’s life. He works as a creative director in an advertising firm. It seems like a fairly simple almost boring premise, but it delves into Draper’s past, and how his past is greatly affecting his present. I know what you’re thinking, this is the most vague synopsis ever, but I would have to ruin anything for those of you that may be new fans or plan on watching. All I can say, is that you’ll definitely be HIGHLY invested in the plot if you do start watching.

But now back to Mr. Hamm. As I’ve been watching this series, time and time again I’ve been pleasantly surprised by his performance. Hamm’s character is relatively stoic   and hard in nature, but Hamm is able to so magnificently let Draper’s emotions shine through when appropriate. I think most would agree that it is absolutely boring to watch a character that is not dynamic, and Don Draper is certainly is quite dynamic.

I think it’s also interesting to notice, in reading up on Jon Hamm, that outside of “Mad Men” he has mainly worked in comedic roles. I’m sure many of you would remember him from “Bridesmaids”. I think it speaks to his acting abilities that he can work wonderfully in a dramatic role and switch seamlessly into comedy in other roles.

I don’t know if any of you have ever seen these shorts form, but they’re absolutely hilarious. Here’s Jon Hamm in Between Two Ferns with Zach Galifianakis.


  1. I don't think I've ever seen anything with Jon Hamm before, but I'll have to check him out. The actors that you have discussed in previous blog posts have all been very good and for that reason, I'm sure Hamm is as well. Also, I've heard a lot of good things about "Mad Men." I don't find myself having the time to get into TV shows any more, but when I do, "Mad Men" will be on my list of shows to watch.

  2. I've never watched Mad Men, though I've heard from many people that it is a great show and that John Hamm is very good in it. Like Mike, I probably will watch at least a few episodes at some point, just to see what the big deal is about. I'm most familiar with Hamm from his frequent appearances on SNL and of course from Bridesmaids. Given the nature of those shows, I've really never seen him as a serious actor, only as a comedic one.

  3. Mad Men is one of my favorite shows, and I agree that you will be highly invested in the plot if you watch it, and if you watch it you have to be highly invested and knowledgeable of the plot in order to understand the show well, its not just one of those shows where you can watch one episode, its a very deep story. Draper is a very interesting character and it is even more interesting to see Hamm play this role when compared to some of the other characters he has played. It crazy because in Mad Men he plays such a serious role and he is almost a completely different actor when you see him in his comedies.
